Attach mini trucks or bike
Earn money by delivering goods, courier and packages. Get a part time or full time delivery job
Start Earning Immediately
With our growing presence across multiple cities, we always have our hands full! This means you will never run out of trips.
Attach your two wheeler or commercial vehicle\nIf you got a 2 wheeler, or a tata ace commercial vehicle, you are good to go! With Feasy, get a delivery job and deliver goods, packages, and courier. No more waiting on the stand Attach tata ace with Feasy to have a steady stream of trips with minimum assured income and added incentives, so that there is no waiting and idle time at the stand! No more bargaining. Standard Rates\The rates and calculation methods are standardized and completely transparent. No more wasting time in fixing the rates for every Hassle Free Navigation\nWith our GPS-based navigation you can drive anywhere across your city without worrying about the directions. Get real-time navigation assistance on the go!